Dojang Etiquette
Here is a list of manners and etiquette that are expected of all students at the dojang:
Entering the dojang:
Salute the flag
Greet the instructor(s) with a loud "TANG SOO!"
Remove your shoes and place them on the shoe rack
Remain quiet so as not to disrupt the classes
bring all of your equipment to the shoe cubby area (DO NOT LEAVE THEM BY THE DOOR)
Greeting our Seniors:
Use a two handed hand shake
Bow longer than the senior you are bowing to
Remember to show respect to all of the people around you (younger or older in age, higher or lower ranked than yourself)
Greeting others:
Address others with the appropriate title (Sa Bom Nim, Kyo Sa Nim, etc...)
If unsure of their title, address them as" sir" or "ma'am"
Entering and exiting the training floor:
Before walking onto the training floor; salute to show respect:
If classes are in progress ask for permission to enter the training space
If you are late to class, stand off the training floor and raise your hand high; loudly ask the most senior instructor for permission to enter class
Thank the instructor, and quickly move behind the class to your belt appropriate rank and then join class without disruption
If we leave the training floor during class; remember to salute when exiting and re-entering
Make sure hands and feet are together
Bow at a 45 degree angle from the hips
Make sure eyes are down and not making eye contact with the person we are bowing to.
Bowing In and Bowing Out:
Even when students are not in class or not in uniform, students are expected to participate in the bow in and bow out.
Exiting the dojang:
Say goodbye to the instructor(s) with a loud "TANG SOO!"
Salute the flag